Tenryo Sado Ryotsu Takigi (bonfire) Noh Performance

Ryotsu Takigi Noh−True Brilliance Supported by History

Ryotsu Takigi Noh has been playing a role in maintaining the tradition and quality of Sado's Noh performances, obtaining instruction and cooperation from Mr Honma (head of Sado Hosho School). You can see Noh performances in the magical atmosphere of the Noh stage in Shiizaki Suwa Shrine which faces Lake Kamo. Enjoy the traditional art of Noh, developed by the community.

開催日 2020年10月3日
時間 19:30~
開催地 Shiizaki Suwa Shrine Noh Stage
住所 〒952-0016 新潟県佐渡市原黒724
お問合せ 0259-23-3300(Tenryo Sado Ryotsu Takigi Noh Performance Organising Committee)
料金 Entrance Fee (as part of the cooperation fund) 3,000 yen
交通案内 両津港から車で約5分
備考 *The entrance fee (3,000 yen) is used as the cooperation fee for organising and managing the event.
*The performance programme is subject to change. The venue, also, may be changed in case of rain. Please contact the Organising Committee for details.

