Earth Celebration

Sending a messege from Sado across the globe to "celebrate the Earth!"

Earth Celebration is a summer festival produced by the Kodo Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble since 1988. The event venues bustle with many music enthusiasts from Japan and abroad. The festival features a wide selection of entertainment programmes, including pre-event attractions such as Sado Takigi Noh Theatre, as well as, workshops and performances by both professional and amateur groups on the Fringe Stage. There is also a market offering handicrafts, food and drink at Ogi Minato Park during the course of the festival.

開催日 2020年8月21~23日
開催地 Ogi Town (Ogi Minato Park, etc.)
公式サイト WEB
住所 〒952-0604 新潟県佐渡市小木町2227
お問合せ 0259-81-4100(Earth Celebration Committee)
交通案内 小木港から車で約1分
最寄りのバス停 小木港佐渡汽船(小木線)から徒歩2分

