Nikuu Shrine Takigi (bonfire) Noh Performance

Noh theatre plays at Nikuu Shrine, which the villagers inherited.

Nikuu Shrine enshrines the second daughter of Emperor Juntoku, Imperial Princess Chushi. At the Noh stage, with its thatched roof, regular Noh performances are held by locals in August. You will be guided by small lights along the path to the venue. Experience the world of subtlety and profoundness surrounded by the nature of the mountains.

開催日 2020年8月22日
時間 18:30~
開催地 Nikuu Shrine Noh Stage
住所 〒952-1308 新潟県佐渡市二宮232-2
料金 無料
交通案内 両津港から車で約35分
最寄りのバス停 鍛冶町中原(本線)から徒歩20分

