Chokokuji Temple Peony Festival

Peony season at Chokokuji Temple in Sado!

Located in the Hatano area, Chokokuji Temple is an ancient temple which is an imitation of Hasedera Temple in Yamato (present-day Nara Prefecture). It is known as a temple of peonies. Elegant peony flowers burst into bloom all around the temple, along the front path to the temple and in front of the main hall. The first day of the two-day Peony Festival features an outdoor tea ceremony and a live performance of koto (a Japanese traditional, stringed, musical instrument).

開催日 2020年5月9~10日
時間 6/12 10:00- , 6/12 13:30-
開催地 Chokokuji Temple in Hatano
住所 〒952-0204 新潟県佐渡市長谷13
お問合せ 0259-66-2052(Chokokuji Temple Peony Festival Committee)
料金 無料
交通案内 両津港から車で約30分
最寄りのバス停 長谷(岩首線)から徒歩1分

